Commitment to Corporate Responsibility

As a company whose remit is to enable successful trade, our biggest corporate responsibility is an economic one. Trade is essential for the world’s economic development.

Trade allows companies to grow, thereby creating employment and reducing poverty. However, we also believe that enabling trade in itself is not enough. We seek to manage risk for our customers in a transparent and ethical way while supporting the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNCG).

Our commitment to the UN Global Compact

We support the ten principles of United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour conditions, the environment and anti-corruption. Every year we report to the UN Global Compact on our continued commitment and the progress we are making in all areas of corporate responsibility.

Making a positive difference with our Corporate Responsibility Strategy

Corporate responsibility is embedded into our business strategy, culture and day-to-day operations. We have used input from our stakeholders to define what our most material issues are. This input is plotted in our Materiality Matrix.

Atradius' commitment to behave ethically incorporates social, environmental and financial prosperity. The contribution we make is meant to help strengthen social welfare and build a better environment.

Isidoro Unda, Atradius
Isidoro Unda
Chief Executive Officer Atradius

In addition, we have a dedicated Corporate Responsibility Team with representatives from offices throughout the world. Their role is to coordinate group activities, identify issues and support the development of our Corporate Responsibility Policy.

Local activities are coordinated by local teams. These give our people the opportunity to contribute to local environmental and community needs. Recent examples include participation in a Clean Up Australia initiative by members of our Sydney office and a tree-planting project in the Czech Republic. This involved two groups of volunteers who cleared a preserved area in the Prokopské Valley in Prague and planted over one hundred Beech trees.

Atradius staff taking part in rubbish clearing day, Australia
As a company whose remit is to enable successful trade, our biggest corporate responsibility is an economic one. Trade is essential for the world’s economic development.

Looking to the future

Corporate responsibility is part of our ongoing operational strategy and includes the formulation of future objectives.

Our plan for the current year and beyond is to align fully with the actions and disclosures of our parent company Grupo Catalana Occidente (GCO), including a Sustainable Investment Policy with a group scope, due out 2019-2020. 

In 2019, the Code of Conduct of GCO will be implemented throughout the entire group, including Atradius. Atradius will continue local initiatives for the benefit of the communities in the different countries.

Auch interessant

Executive Management Team

Our Executive Management Team is responsible for developing and driving the aims, strategy, quality of service and business results of Atradius Collections throughout the world.

Leadership and Governance Principles

Through our Governance Principles, Customer Service Charter and investment in innovation, we’re committed to leading our people and customers to better products and services than anywhere else.

Our History

Atradius Collections is part of a well-established global business that has been promoting secure trade through quality credit insurance and credit management services for more than 90 years.