
NAFTA Country Report USA 2018


  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

16 Jan 2018

CR_USA_April_2015 (full report)

The US administration´s trade policy remains a downside risk, not just for trading partners, but also for the US economy itself.

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    US developments put emerging markets on alert

    Economic Note

    • Algerien,
    • Angola,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    15 Dez 2016

    Developments in the US related to the election of Donald Trump and its expected effect on the US monetary policy path and international trade introduce significant uncertainty for EMEs in 2017.

    Market Monitor Food Belgium 2016


    • Belgien
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    The demand situation is benign, but food businesses continue to suffer from margin pressure due to high labour and energy costs and stiff competition.

    Market Monitor Food Germany 2016


    • Deutschland
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    While German food exports continue to increase, domestic market conditions have become increasingly difficult. Overcapacity is an issue in some segments.

    Market Monitor Food Netherlands 2016


    • Niederlande
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    Smaller food retailer and wholesalers margins remain under pressure and are expected to lose further market share, while customer behaviour is changing.

    Market Monitor Food USA 2016


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    The current trend of merger and acquisition towards a subsequent consolidation in the US food market is expected to accelerate in the coming years.

    Market Monitor Food France 2016


    • Frankreich
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    Exports are of major importance for the French food sector (especially for the beverages segment), positively contributing to the French trade balance.

    Market Monitor Food Ireland 2016


    • Irland
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    Sector risks have increased after the Brexit decision, and exporters to the UK have already suffered shrinking margins due to currency volatility.

    Market Monitor Food Poland 2016


    • Polen
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    Business failures in the Polish food retail segment have increased in 2016, as mainly smaller players suffer from fierce competition and low margins.

    Market Monitor Food Denmark 2016


    • Dänemark
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    Large food businesses are active globally and performing well, while smaller producers and wholesalers generally face tough competition and low margins.

    Market Monitor Food Hungary 2016


    • Ungarn
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    Gearing of food businesses is generally high, and can be a significant risk for companies with weak profitability and focus on the domestic market.

    Market Monitor Food Italy 2016


    • Italien
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    The outlook for food exports remains positive, with further demand growth from overseas expected, due to the strong reputation of “Made in Italy”.

    Market Monitor Food Portugal 2016


    • Portugal
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    The economic downturn of two main export markets - Brazil and Angola - has led to reduced exports and, to some extent, investment levels in the sector.

    Market Monitor Food Spain 2016


    • Spanien
    • Nahrungsmittel

    02 Dez 2016

    While the industry is still fragmented, consolidation is on-going and companies should gain size and become more competitive domestically and abroad.

    NAFTA Country Report - Canada 2016


    • Kanada
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    25 Nov 2016

    Economic growth is expected to pick up in 2017, but uncertainty about the new US administration (potential protectionist trade policies) casts a shadow.

    NAFTA Country Report - Mexico 2016


    • Mexiko
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    25 Nov 2016

    The consequences of any US shift on its Mexico policy remain to be seen, but increased currency volatility has already an negative impact on the economy.

    NAFTA Country Report - United States 2016


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    25 Nov 2016

    Steady, but uneven growth is expected to persist. Domestic demand is the main driver of expansion, but manufacturing and export performance remain subdued.

    Global Economic Outlook - November 2016

    Economic Outlook

    • Algerien,
    • Angola,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    23 Nov 2016

    Pressures on international trade are mounting around the globe and the outlook is increasingly uncertain.

    Market Monitor Automotive France 2016


    • Frankreich
    • Automobil/Transport

    27 Okt 2016

    Automotive suppliers´ margins remain structurally under pressure, as the powerful car manufacturers demand greater productivity, coupled with lower prices.

    Market Monitor Automotive Germany 2016


    • Deutschland
    • Automobil/Transport

    27 Okt 2016

    Suppliers´ margins have decreased for the last couple of years, due to higher material and labour costs, rising competition and pressure on sales prices.

    Market Monitor Automotive Spain 2016


    • Spanien
    • Automobil/Transport

    27 Okt 2016

    The Spanish automotive industry continues to benefit from the on-going economic rebound of the domestic economy as well as from increasing car exports.