
NAFTA Country Report USA 2018


  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

16 Jan 2018

CR_USA_April_2015 (full report)

The US administration´s trade policy remains a downside risk, not just for trading partners, but also for the US economy itself.

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    Machines and Engineering Industry Trends June 2024


    • Kanada,
    • Deutschland,
    • Maschinen/-bau

    28 Jun 2024

    Contractions continue in Europe and the US, but a 2025 rebound is on the cards

    Electronics/ICT Industry Trends June 2024


    • Frankreich,
    • Deutschland,
    • Elektronik/ITK

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    Electronics/ICT will be one of the fastest growing sectors globally in 2024-2025

    Clean Energy Transition: Machines & Manufacturing


    • Algerien,
    • Angola,
    • Maschinen/-bau

    06 Jun 2024

    Has the machines sector flown under the sustainability radar?

    B2B payment practices trends, Turkiye 2024


    • Türkei
    • Chemie/Pharma,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    06 Jun 2024

    A stand-out finding from our survey is that trading on credit continues to play a key role in B2B sales strategy for businesses in Turkiye..

    B2B payment practices trends, Romania 2024


    • Rumänien
    • Bau,
    • Stahl,

    04 Jun 2024

    Our survey finds that a notable 44% of Romanian businesses are opting to outsource credit risk management rather than managing it in-house.

    B2B payment practices trends, Bulgaria 2024


    • Bulgarien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    04 Jun 2024

    There is widespread concern across all sectors in Bulgaria about the trend of Days-Sales-Outstanding (DSO) indicating a decline in debt collection efficiency.

    B2B payment practices trends, Czech Republic 2024


    • Tschechische Republik
    • Bau,
    • Chemie/Pharma,

    04 Jun 2024

    A rise in customer credit risk among businesses in the Czech Republic is evident in our survey.

    B2B payment practices trends, Poland 2024


    • Polen
    • Bau,
    • Konsumgüter,

    04 Jun 2024

    Companies in Poland say they usually respond by delaying payments to their own suppliers. However, this comes with the risk of a domino effect through a particular industry.

    B2B payment practices trends, Slovakia 2024


    • Slowakei
    • Konsumgüter,
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,

    04 Jun 2024

    Around 70% of companies in Slovakia report a worsening of payment practices, with just over four in five B2B invoices currently overdue.

    B2B payment practices trends, Slovenia 2024


    • Slowenien
    • Bau,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    04 Jun 2024

    While many companies in our survey of Slovenia say they are open to trading on credit in B2B sales there is a generally cautious and risk averse approach in practice.